Saturday, November 2, 2013

Topic: Hospital Stays

I've stayed at two different hospitals now, one of them more familiar than the other.

But what this topic is about is concerned with patients that make us a little bit nervous.

My first stay at Green Oaks wasn't so bad.  We had one guy that threw a fit in the unit though; he wanted to take a shower and started throwing his bottle around.

The second stay in the Green Oaks ER had me a bit more nervous.  There was this creepy guy wandering around, taking the bedding off of chairs on the female side of the room.  He wanted everyone afraid of him.  And then there were the fist fights and arguments that broke out.  Overall, it was nerve-wracking.

Then there was my stay at the WYSONG unit in McKinney.  Most of the people there seemed pretty much normal.  But there were a few that didn't understand the concept of "personal space" and just seemed to be looking to pick a fight.  I had my own "brush" with one of the patients, and made sure to let the nurses at the nurse station know what was going on and that the behavior had me feeling a bit anxious.

The one thing I found sad were the number of people in the hospital because we can't find work.