Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tip: Verified by Mental Health Professional

Anyway, the tip is this: even if you're mentally ill and you're taking pills, the pills alone won't fix you.  I had the idea that it's crucial to help "mend yourself".  Work with your medication and your team of professionals.  Do things to help keep your mood where it should be.  Don't dwell on the bad stuff that got you here in the first place.

And another tip I was given, more of a coping skill: the bad stuff is in your past.  You can't change it.  But you can learn from it and choose to move on.

I think what group that was in was a "learn forgiveness" exercise.  Something about "anger is like a hot coal, it burns you".  I couldn't help but bring up this dream I had years ago about being in the traditional "fire and brimstone" Hell, but not feeling any of what was going on outside of my being.  The only thing I felt was my anger, and I was told I could leave Hell any time I wanted, if I chose simply to ditch the anger.  Group found the imagery and story to be quite appropriate.

While I'll admit I've started feeling no anger or very little anger about various things in the past, I can think of at least a couple of apartments where the residents could use some "letting go of anger" themselves.  Oh well.  I can only hope they eventually will.  It's reassuring though that I can now.

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