Friday, February 14, 2014

Exercise: The Good and Bad

This was an idea that a counselor on the Adapt Crisis line came up with me today.

What to do:

On one sheet of paper, write all the bad things you've been called your entire life.  Argue with those things if you can.  This page you want to put all your raw emotions into.  Then shred it up and throw it away.

On another sheet of paper, write good things about yourself.  Keep this one.

A suggestion that was made: take those good qualities and make some kind of art out of them.  A collage, sculpture, cross-stitch...  whatever comes to mind that you can display at home to remind yourself that you have something good to offer.  (While the post-it note strategy may be a good short-term plan, pieces of paper aren't as special as something you actually worked on.)

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